Monday, August 29, 2011

Does Getting A Haircut Make You Anxious?

For years I hated going to the beauty salon. Being in that chair made me feel trapped and so I used to put it off for as long as I could.
I'm much better with this aspect of my anxiety now. Here are some tips I came up with that help me cope with anxiety at the hair salon:

Getting a Haircut with Social Anxiety

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Does Anxiety Keep You Awake At Night?

Anxiety suffers often suffer with problems related to sleep- namely falling asleep, staying asleep, getting a good quality of sleep- and some of us have panic attacks at night too.

Here are some practical tips I came up with to help with sleeping:

Anxiety & Sleep: Tips That Really Help

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Prayer & Faith in the Face of Anxiety

Did you know that prayer has been proven to help with anxiety? As I work towards my personal recovery from anxiety & panic attacks, I have faith that my Higher Power is there holding my hand every step of the way.

Who or what can you have faith in? I discuss that in this post:

 Faith & Coping With Panic Attacks

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Feelings & Panic Attacks

It helps me to identify how I am really feeling in any given moment. There are some feelings that increase the likelihood of having a panic attack. Once I am aware of my underlying feeling, I can easily do something about it, and I explain that here:

HALTS- For Coping With Panic Attacks

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Having The Proper Attitude

It's so tempting- and easy- to get discouraged when trying to recover from anxiety & panic attacks. Setbacks, pressure, fear, uncertainty can take it's toll. That has been my experience at least.

Today I know attitude plays a huge part in how well I do in overcoming my fears and anxiety. Do you have the right attitude?Attitude is a choice- and you can choose positivity. :)

Taking a Positive Attitude About Anxiety Recovery

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Waiting in lines- at the store, at the post office, to register for classes. Standing there, waiting, with people behind you, can't you just feel everyone looking at you being uncomfortable?

Why does waiting in a line or queue fill us with so much anxiety and dread?

Anxiety and Waiting - tips to make it manageable.